RMC Pharma

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One Minute Health App

RMC Pharma Distributors (RMCPD), on behalf of itself and its affiliates/group companies under the brand "1 Min Health app", is the author and publisher of the internet resource www.1 Min Health app.com and the mobile application ‘ 1 Min Health app ’ (together, “Website(or app)”).

Annexures A

  • Patient No-Show Policy:
    • Patients not showing up for doctor appointments is a widespread phenomenon in India. This can have dire consequences, especially due to the dearth of medical practitioners to address the health concerns of a growing population.
    • Our Patient No-Show policy has been put in place to ensure timely healthcare for everyone using the 1 Min Health app platform. In the 1 Min Health app context, Patient No-Show means a patient hasn’t turned up on time for an appointment booked through 1 Min Health app.com or 1 Min Health app without cancelling, rescheduling, or informing the practice/doctor in advance about the same.
    • Capturing patient-no-show from doctors/ clinics
    • When a patient doesn’t show up for a confirmed appointment (without having cancelled or rescheduled before appointment time), doctors using Ray software can mark the specific appointment as PNS on their desktop Ray or the Pro app.
    • PNS can be marked only within 5 days following the scheduled appointment.
    • Verifying PNS from patients
    • Whenever a doctor/clinic marks PNS, patients are sent an SMS and email to verify this claim and understand the reason behind the missed appointment.
    • Patients should respond in next 7 days after receiving the SMS/email, with the reason.
    • Actions taken on repeat patient no-show
    • Every PNS captured on 1 Min Health app is dealt with seriousness based on past patient behaviour. This is done in order to ensure patients understand the importance of a doctor’s time and not misuse the convenience provided by 1 Min Health app. Our PNS Policy aims at minimising instances of uninformed missed appointments, thereby making most of a doctor’s valuable time.
  • Repeat PNS actions are taken ONLY for patients who schedule appointments using ‘Book Appointment’ feature on 1 Min Health app.
  • At the third valid instance of PNS in last 12 months, patient’s account will be temporarily disabled from booking further online appointments on 1 Min Health app.com for next 4 months. However, the user can continue to call the clinic via 1 Min Health app.com to get an appointment.
  • Below are the valid cases of PNS:
    • a. Patient does not reply to the email/SMS with the reason in next 7 days from the date of receipt of such email/SMS communication
    • b. Patient responds to the email/SMS with below reasons:
      • i. Forgot the appointment
      • ii. Chose to visit another doctor/consulted online
      • iii. Busy with other work
      • iv. Other reasons (which 1 Min Health app at its discretion decides to be a reason for valid PNS)
  • Below are the invalid cases of PNS:
    • a. Patient says she/he got marked as PNS in spite of visiting the practice/doctor. This will be marked valid/invalid only after 1 Min Health app support team validates the authenticity of the claim.
    • b. Patient says she/he was extremely ill to visit the doctor (This will be a one-time consideration only)
  • If a patient has a history of repeat PNS, patient’s account can be temporarily disabled from booking further online appointments on 1 Min Health app.com , even on 1st or 2nd instance of PNS.
  • All refunds with respect to PNS for a pre-paid appointment shall be at the discretion of the doctor and 1 Min Health app has no role with respect to such refunds.
  • 1 Min Health app reserves the right to make the final decision in the case of a conflict. The total aggregate liability of 1 Min Health app with respect to any claims made herein shall be INR 200.
  • 1 Min Health app reserve the right to modify the above-mentioned terms from time to time.